Evite Response – The Greatest Excuse Ever

By now I’m sure everyone is familiar with website evite.com, the online invitation and party planning place. We’ve used it before to send out invitations and we have certainly received a fair number of invitations as well.

The other day we received an invitation for Alex to attend an open house/reception for a girl in his class who is celebrating her first communion. So last night we were preparing to reply but Jen started reading through the “sorry we can’t attend” replies and came across the mother of all excuses. I’ve removed all the names…

I'm a Lesbian

3 thoughts on “Evite Response – The Greatest Excuse Ever

  1. Derek- that comment is a joke right!!!!!! There is no way a normal person would write that on an evite.

    • We couldn’t figure out if it was a joke or not and we were going to ask the organizer.

      If it’s not a joke I was wondering if the person who left it didn’t realize that comments are public and displayed on the web page.

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