Ya, Look it Up

I had to have Andrew explain his school work that he brought home today. He was even kind enough to point out that I was pronouncing it wrong.


Caroline’s 1st Days at School

Jen started teaching a couple of days each week tutoring small groups of kids to help prepare them for the statewide assessment tests that happen in a couple of months. To do this we’ve put Caroline in school a couple days a week. She’s actually in the same preschool that both Alex and Andrew attended.

We were a little nervous about how she would be leaving Jen for the first time since the boys had a hard time. I can’t even count the times that Alex was in tears after being dropped off. Well, not Caroline. She had her Elmo backpack, lunch box, sleeping mat, and she was ready to go. The very first day she just walked right up there and that was it.

I dropped her off the other day and as we pulled into the parking lot of school she got all excited and started yelling, “dool, dool”.

Here’s her picture from the first day

Yesterday she also came home with her very first piece of artwork. I guess they were talking about all the snow we’ve had the last couple of days. She was very proud of the white paint she did because she would point to it and say “paint”.

"Snow Day"

Horse Art

In honor of the Andrew’s exciting time at horse camp I thought I would post his parts of the horse art that he did a school last month. You can actually see it in the bottom right corner of the art wall in the picture that Jen took.

Alex is a Publish Artist

At the end of the school year when the kids bring home their art work for the year I usually scan it into the computer and publish it here on the blog. The other day I received a tweet from @History_Man who runs the website http://www.history-for-kids.com/.

Somehow he came across my blog entry from last year where I posted Alex’s picture of the Statue of Liberty. He was working on a web page for his site on the Statue of Liberty and he wanted to use Alex’s picture on the web page.

We let him use the picture and you can see the final web page along with a statue of liberty poem here: http://www.history-for-kids.com/statue-of-liberty-poem.html.

Andrew’s Race Track Art

Back in February when we were in New Orleans for Mardi Gras I tweeted from the Race Track “Doing what every good parent does, teaching our kids how to win at the races.” and added the picture http://tweetphoto.com/11518070.

So yesterday Andrew finished up his school year and he came home with his art work and take a guess what was in the package. Race Track art.

Andrew's Horse Racing Art.

Statue of Liberty

Statue of LibertyAlex: We made the statue of Liberty because it was almost the 4th of July and the end of school. You an see that we made windows on the Statue of Liberty’s hat. We also made the book in her hand and we also put the fire in the torch.

We also made the lines on the dress to make it look like it was real.

Alex’s Guitar

Me: Here’s your second piece of art work, a fancy looking guitar, tell me about it.

Alex: The lines on the outside of the guitar are vibrations.

Me: Why did you decide to do a guitar?

Alex: We had to.

Me: So they didn’t give you a choice?

Alex: No.

Me. Ok. Is there anything else you want to share about your work?

Alex: Yes. I picked the colors red and blue for the guitar because they are my favorite colors.

Me: How did you pick the colors for the lines?

Alex: Are art teacher put expo sharpies into two buckets and we got to pick five or four at a time and we got to do whatever colors we wanted.

Me: Very nice. Anything else?

Alex: No.

Me: Ok, thanks.

Alex's Guitar